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Kent Island, Maryland, United States
I am the mother of 3 teenagers and by all rights, I should have been discoverd years ago. I am always adding new content so bookmark me and you'll stay "in the loop."

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Modeling, Jousting, Laundry And, Of Course, My Hair

While watching "A Knights Tale" last night I realized one of two things. First, it is a pretty good movie and second, I will never be able to joust. You see, not only has my recent surgery left me permanently scarred, I will be unable to participate in anything that would require my neck to snap back. Not a big deal you say? Well, let's think about it. I could have been the first female "actor" at "Medieval Knights" and during my time there been "spotted" by an agent and then become the most famous of all plus size models. As a result of my disfigurement and subsequent neck snapping restrictions that will never happen. You can see why this has had me preoccupied for most of the day.

Today Jim washed our bedding. I only mention it because he has reminded me of this completed chore no less than 10 times since I came home. "And I even did the duvet cover!" OK, I thank him for it but does he really think it is the first time any of this has been done? Generally when I do it I have to wrestle with him to get off the bed because he wraps himself in all of the covers to make an already pain in the ass job more difficult. I am thankful though so I shouldn't fuss.

The hair is done and all and all it is fine. As I predicted it did not turn out as I thought but that is my own delusional minds fault. Lesley said that when summer rolls around again I can go blonder. She said it is my hairs best interest to give it a break. I don't know why I should care about my hairs best interest because the Lord knows it doesn't care about mine!

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